19:02:28 <jonasschnelli> #startmeeting
19:02:28 <lightningbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 29 19:02:28 2020 UTC.  The chair is jonasschnelli. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:02:28 <lightningbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
19:02:32 <emzy> hi
19:02:45 <achow101> hi
19:02:47 <amiti> hi
19:02:51 <jonasschnelli> lightningbot?
19:02:51 <hebasto> hi
19:02:54 <ariard> hi
19:03:02 <lightningbot> jonasschnelli: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.
19:03:17 <hebasto> bad bot...
19:03:28 <achow101> maybe it's dead
19:03:40 <jonasschnelli> he refuses to work for me...
19:03:56 <lightningbot> MarcoFalke: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.
19:04:00 <jonasschnelli> however,... lets start anyways
19:04:01 <jonasschnelli> #bitcoin-core-dev Meeting: wumpus sipa gmaxwell jonasschnelli morcos luke-jr sdaftuar jtimon cfields petertodd kanzure bluematt instagibbs phantomcircuit codeshark michagogo marcofalke paveljanik NicolasDorier jl2012 achow101 meshcollider jnewbery maaku fanquake promag provoostenator aj Chris_Stewart_5 dongcarl gwillen jamesob ken281221 ryanofsky gleb moneyball kvaciral ariard digi_james
19:04:02 <jonasschnelli> amiti fjahr jeremyrubin lightlike emilengler jonatack hebasto jb55 elichai2
19:04:33 <jonasschnelli> no proposed topics today I guess.
19:04:37 <jamesob> hi
19:04:41 <MarcoFalke> two topics
19:04:41 <jonasschnelli> any last-minute ones?
19:04:47 <achow101> luke-jr: proposed one
19:04:55 <MarcoFalke> [11:02] <jnewbery> #proposedmeetingtopic Disable S390x travis build
19:05:05 <MarcoFalke> [19:46] <luke-jr> #proposedmeetingtopic allowing sqlite wallet regression into 0.21
19:05:28 <jnewbery> jonasschnelli: I had one: Disable S390x travis build
19:05:31 <jonasschnelli> #action someone should update the channel topic: Meeting topics https://gist.github.com/moneyball/071d608fdae217c2a6d7c35955881d8a
19:06:01 <luke-jr> but it's not updated?
19:06:01 <jonasschnelli> Okay... lets start with 0.21 milestone first
19:06:02 <jonasschnelli> #topic 0.21 milestone
19:06:08 <jonasschnelli> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+milestone%3A0.21.0
19:06:19 <jnewbery> jonasschnelli: http://gnusha.org/bitcoin-core-dev/proposedmeetingtopics.txt
19:06:20 <jonasschnelli> luke-jr: yeah. someone should change that link
19:06:25 <MarcoFalke> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/milestone/45
19:06:37 <luke-jr> my topic fits into this one :p
19:07:00 <luke-jr> #20205 had the milestone removed, but should be a blocker
19:07:03 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/20205 | wallet: Properly support a wallet id by achow101 · Pull Request #20205 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
19:07:45 <jonasschnelli> luke-jr: can you elaborate why it is a blocker? What is broken without it?
19:08:00 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: without it, sqlite wallets are missing a unique id
19:08:13 <jonasschnelli> luke-jr: what user function does it break?
19:08:13 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: BDB did this for us, but sqlite does not
19:08:25 <MarcoFalke> why would they need one?
19:08:26 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: not having a unique id is a regression from the old wallets
19:08:34 <hebasto> is ryanofsky here?
19:08:37 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke: to distinguish between different wallets and renames/moves/copies
19:08:39 <achow101> the question is what unique ids do for us and whether not having one is a regression
19:08:46 <achow101> because we don't use them for anything currently
19:08:55 <luke-jr> achow101: Knots does
19:09:02 <jonasschnelli> have we expose the unique ID over our APIs or in the GUI?
19:09:07 <achow101> jonasschnelli: no
19:09:07 <luke-jr> it's an existing and long standing wallet feature
19:09:30 <luke-jr> also, we do up until now use them to disallow opening the same wallet twice
19:09:31 <achow101> it's a "feature" that's a byproduct of bdb and was only used by the bdb handling previously
19:09:38 <sipa> is it a feature, or a necessary restriction?
19:09:45 <jonasschnelli> I see luke-jr point... seems like a Knots issue too me. Core has never published or promised unique wallet id... however,.. seems to be easy to fix
19:09:48 <luke-jr> sipa: the unique id is certainly a feature
19:10:03 <achow101> I have no strong opinion either way, just that the way the luke-jr originally proposed was not the right way to add an id
19:10:11 <jonasschnelli> A uuid per wallet seems neat and useful. I agree with luke-jr
19:10:13 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: I can't fix it in Knots alone; I would have to simply remove all functionality that uses it
19:10:28 <sipa> i tend to agree that it's a potentially useful feature
19:10:51 <sipa> but i don't know if it's a feature right now we need to make promises about
19:10:57 <jonasschnelli> Lets keep an eye on #20205...
19:11:00 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/20205 | wallet: Properly support a wallet id by achow101 · Pull Request #20205 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
19:11:00 <luke-jr> adding it doesn't require any promioses.
19:11:03 <sipa> sqlite wallets will work fine if you load 2 at the same time
19:11:10 <luke-jr> absolute worst case, we'd just not use it
19:11:19 <jonasschnelli> unsure if it is a 0.21 bugfix or a 0.22 feature.
19:11:26 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: it's a regression
19:11:30 <sipa> luke-jr: if we never end up using it, it's hard to call it a bugfix now
19:11:40 <jnewbery> luke-jr: why do you say you can't fix it in knots?
19:11:42 <jonasschnelli> I guess adding it in 0.22 when we have 0.21 users creating sqlite wallets is not ideal
19:11:42 <luke-jr> sipa: the wallet is losing a feature
19:11:44 <emzy> I think if we have an ID we should use someting that is already pressent. Manybe the first public key.
19:12:06 <sipa> luke-jr: so what? it's a new type wallet; it has no features except the ones we say it has
19:12:07 <achow101> emzy: "first" is undefined, especially for descriptor wallets
19:12:13 <jonasschnelli> I guess having sqlite wallets without ID and some with may lead to bugs.
19:12:15 <luke-jr> jnewbery: 1) Core wallets will be missing it, and the same problems persist as adding ti later
19:12:18 <sipa> anyway, i'll comment on thePR
19:12:33 <luke-jr> jnewbery: 2) if I do anything to the wallet format in Knots, Core historically refuses to consider compatibility with it
19:12:35 <sipa> i'm in favor of having it, but i don't think it's fair to call it a bugfi
19:12:46 <sipa> luke-jr: obviously
19:13:13 <jonasschnelli> I added the 0.21 milestone to 20205
19:13:13 <jonasschnelli> lets continue on GitHub about whether its a bugfix or not
19:13:15 <sipa> no offense, but what you do in knots isn't relevant in this discussion
19:13:38 <luke-jr> sipa: see the question I am answering
19:13:48 <sipa> ok
19:14:04 <jonasschnelli> anything else that is relevant for the 0.21 milestone?
19:14:20 <luke-jr> for 0.20, we backported a fix that never got merged to master
19:14:20 <MarcoFalke> jonasschnelli: Only the things that are tagged
19:14:31 <sipa> luke-jr: oh?
19:14:38 <jonasschnelli> please help review 0.21: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/milestone/45 thanks
19:14:40 <luke-jr> part of #18818
19:14:41 <MarcoFalke> luke-jr: Yeah, at least we should cherry-pick what was backported
19:14:43 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/18818 | Fix release tarball generated by gitian by luke-jr · Pull Request #18818 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
19:14:57 <luke-jr> yes
19:15:07 <sipa> agree
19:15:10 <luke-jr> it would be ideal to just get it all merged in tho :p
19:15:20 <MarcoFalke> Though, it isn't a clean cherry-pick IIRC
19:15:44 <luke-jr> GitHub doesn't say there's conflicts O.o
19:16:42 <jonasschnelli> #topic Disable S390x travis build (jnewbery)
19:17:35 <jnewbery> The S390x builds on travis are very flakey and often fail, presumably because of contention issues at travis
19:17:36 <luke-jr> (should we also talk about the travis-ci migration?)
19:17:38 <sipa> is it just s390x?
19:17:50 <sipa> all of travis is pretty much broken for the secp256k1 repo
19:17:59 <luke-jr> :/
19:18:02 <sipa> s390x was the first sign, but soon after, everything stopped
19:18:37 <jonasschnelli> yeah.. I personally tend to ignore the CI icons ons pulls... its getting non-useful
19:18:39 <jnewbery> they were added to test under a big-endian platform. I'm not sure how many bugs have been caught by adding it, but I don't think it's worth keeping it given the costs of having to frequently rerun failed builds
19:18:43 <emzy> Is someone actually using bitcoin core on x390x?
19:18:44 <sipa> let me check if that's still the case
19:18:53 <luke-jr> emzy: it's the only Big Endian platform Travis had
19:19:00 <sipa> emzy: no, it's just to guarantee big-endian compatibility
19:19:04 <jnewbery> s390x seems to be the least reliable
19:19:16 <luke-jr> jnewbery: we could have a bot that restarts s390x if the rest pass?
19:19:28 <luke-jr> but should we wait and see if .com has this issue?
19:19:50 <sipa> (which, even if nobody actually uses bitcoin core on a big endian platform, is a good test for the correctness of the code, as it tends to expose implemention-dependency that isn't otherwise exposed)
19:19:54 <MarcoFalke> s390x found at least one bug, so I think it is useful
19:19:58 <luke-jr> Travis is only giving us 1 month to move, so..
19:20:01 <jonasschnelli> CIs are loosing their value if there are a large percentage of false "positives" (false fails)
19:20:11 <sipa> jonasschnelli: indeed, rapidly
19:20:41 <sipa> luke-jr: is power9 big endian?
19:20:47 <sipa> (typically)
19:20:52 <luke-jr> sipa: it's bi-endian, but Travis only supports LE afaik
19:21:00 <jnewbery> MarcoFalke: was that a new bug that was introduced, or one that had been around for a long time?
19:21:06 <sipa> luke-jr: on your power9 system, is the OS LE or BE?
19:21:13 <luke-jr> sipa: I run LE myself
19:21:18 <MarcoFalke> jnewbery: both. So it was two bugs actually
19:21:21 <jonasschnelli> I still recommend to continue build run our own CI system. bitcoinbuilds.org is a great start, ... runs more or less smooths since months,... can be easly extended and is cheeper than travis
19:21:54 <hebasto> and quicker
19:21:57 <MarcoFalke> jonasschnelli: We need integration with GitHub, otherwise no one will notice a failing build or even check them
19:22:04 <jonasschnelli> MarcoFalke: I have it
19:22:09 <jonasschnelli> Just not on the master branch....
19:22:18 <jonasschnelli> Will add it to the GUI repo soon
19:22:22 <jonasschnelli> It's not complicated
19:22:22 <luke-jr> who runs bitcoinbuilds.org?
19:22:26 <jonasschnelli> luke-jr: me
19:22:52 <MarcoFalke> Also, we need to be able to modify the config in-tree, not out-of-tree
19:23:04 <jonasschnelli> Yes. I'll add that soon.
19:23:27 <sipa> jonasschnelli: what architecture(s) does it support?
19:23:37 <jonasschnelli> Not saying it can replace travis,... but it may show the road to a successful and fast CI which we can easly maintain ourselfs
19:23:53 <luke-jr> can we make it use the GCC compile farm? :P
19:24:02 <jonasschnelli> sipa: its using libvirt under the hood
19:24:13 <MarcoFalke> Can it run qemu-s390x?
19:24:15 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: that doesn't answer.. :P
19:24:36 <MarcoFalke> I think it is plain amd64 architecture
19:25:12 <jonasschnelli> Currently it can only run ubuntu18,... but we could add other servers with other architectures or qemu others (slow)
19:25:21 <luke-jr> GCC's farm has also ppc64, aarch64, sparc64, and mipsel
19:25:55 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: can it work with just a shell?
19:26:10 <jonasschnelli> luke-jr: how do you mean that? no web frontend?
19:26:19 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: I mean SSH into GCC's farm and run builds there
19:26:33 <jonasschnelli> would be possible...
19:26:37 <jonasschnelli> contribution welcome
19:26:40 <luke-jr> another project is already using it for their CI
19:26:50 <sipa> which project?
19:26:59 <luke-jr> "HansLambermont uses the compile farm for continuous build integration of the Stellarium project."
19:27:02 <jonasschnelli> as said... running and expanding our own CI seems to me the best way forward to finally get back to a CI state that is useful
19:27:49 <luke-jr> "Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope."
19:28:01 <jonasschnelli> Our demand of funcionability goes beyond most CI product offerings,...
19:28:02 <jnewbery> I find it hard to believe that there isn't a reliable CI service that we can use and that we need to invent our own
19:28:03 <emzy> jonasschnelli: I'm open to help with it.
19:28:13 <jonasschnelli> emzy: great to hear.
19:28:14 <sipa> jnewbery: indeed...
19:28:51 <jonasschnelli> jnewbery: me too.. but our demand is non-normal
19:28:55 <sipa> does jenkins still exist?
19:29:02 <jonasschnelli> self hosted?
19:29:04 <MarcoFalke> jnewbery: All CI services are "lol we only support docker"
19:29:17 <sipa> MarcoFalke: is that a problem?
19:29:29 <MarcoFalke> sipa: Doesn't jenkins count as running our own?
19:29:35 <sipa> MarcoFalke: yes
19:29:50 <sipa> there is a different between running our own and inventing our own :)
19:30:06 <MarcoFalke> sipa: They don't run sanitizers or wine or ...
19:30:10 <jonasschnelli> sipa: it's already invented. It runs since 1 year
19:30:22 <jonasschnelli> (but missed additional features)
19:30:27 <jonasschnelli> *misses
19:30:34 <sipa> MarcoFalke: i'm confused what that has to do with docker
19:31:03 <sipa> sure you can find a docker image that contains sanitizer-enabled compilers and/or wine?
19:31:04 <MarcoFalke> sipa: You'll have to start the docker daemon with additional permissions
19:31:05 <luke-jr> so as far as Travis goes, are we just not migrating?
19:31:24 <sipa> i think we should keep our options open
19:31:25 <MarcoFalke> sipa: On travis we can start our own docker daemon
19:31:56 <MarcoFalke> luke-jr: I'd be surprised if travis improved by changing the domain name
19:32:00 <sipa> MarcoFalke: ok, i probably don't know enough about docker then... i'm not sure what that means or implies
19:32:10 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke: well, .com has historically been their commercial product?
19:32:25 <sipa> things could improve with travis.com... i'm not sure
19:32:44 <sipa> a question is if that requires giving them write permission to the repo, are we open to doing so?
19:32:55 <MarcoFalke> We used to send them money and support was still ignoring requests
19:32:59 <luke-jr> sipa: apparently it's write permissions to the user, not the repo specifically :/
19:33:19 <sipa> luke-jr: we can create a dummy bitcoin-core-ci user or something, no?
19:33:36 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke: they responded to me (maybe not timely or helpfully, I forget the details)
19:33:54 <luke-jr> sipa: maybe, but I think that violates GitHub's ToS
19:34:04 <MarcoFalke> luke-jr: well response is "lol, we don't support that" or "we'll discuss this internally"
19:34:12 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke:19:34:39 <MarcoFalke> luke-jr: Then DrahtBot would violate GitHub's ToS
19:34:40 <jonasschnelli> Migrations to .com makes sense to me as we have no alternative ready that has the same depths of testing... and it might get better (or worse?)
19:35:24 <jonasschnelli> back to the topic.... should we disable S390x?
19:35:25 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke: aha, they have an exception for bots, nm
19:35:38 <MarcoFalke> jonasschnelli: ACK
19:35:45 <jonasschnelli> ack
19:35:51 <MarcoFalke> jonasschnelli: Well, we could move it to cirrus ci for now
19:35:52 <sipa> if it doesn't work, it should be disabled
19:35:57 <hebasto> ack on disabling
19:36:11 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke: Cirrus has BE? :P
19:36:17 <MarcoFalke> in qemu
19:36:21 <luke-jr> >_<
19:36:45 <MarcoFalke> They are working on getting native arm though
19:36:46 * luke-jr should try getting x86_64 gitian working on his ppc64 host via qemu…
19:36:59 <luke-jr> (apparently I will have to patch qemu)
19:37:17 <sipa> even just doing BE builds in qemu for master (and not for every PR) would be a major win over not having it at all
19:37:32 <sipa> same with some other platforms
19:37:34 <MarcoFalke> I'll create a pull to move it to cirrus
19:37:44 <sipa> that'd be great
19:38:18 <jonasschnelli> Indeed. Building **everything** per each PR push is crazy
19:38:26 <jonasschnelli> (but great if it works)
19:38:52 <jnewbery> why is it crazy? It seems optimal if it works
19:38:53 <luke-jr> don't agree on crazy :P
19:39:15 <jonasschnelli> s/crazy/crazy-system-demanding
19:39:34 <sipa> if we have the resources, sure
19:40:00 <jonasschnelli> and it seems like we don't have the resources because large percentages of the builds fail for no reason
19:40:07 <jnewbery> cpu time is cheaper than developer time
19:40:10 <luke-jr> fail isn't a resource issue
19:40:21 <luke-jr> resource shortage would just mean long waits
19:40:26 <sipa> indeed
19:40:38 <jonasschnelli> jnewbery: agree... but if you can't be sure whether you have to debug the build or if it was just a glitch in the CI,... its a waste of time
19:40:39 <sipa> we're not low on resources, it's just broken, and we need to find something that works
19:40:48 <sipa> whatever we find is better than something that's broken
19:40:50 <luke-jr> ideally CI would prioritise builds, but otherwise include everything
19:40:58 <MarcoFalke> I don't think resources are the problem. The problem is the lack of ci infrastructure to trigger builds on working hardware, and someone who maintains the ci infrastructure.
19:41:01 <luke-jr> eg, put master above PRs
19:41:12 <luke-jr> maybe have a button where someone can say "I'm actually waiting on this"
19:41:21 <jonasschnelli> we need a CI-infrastructur-maintainer *duck*
19:41:31 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: I thought you just volunteered? :P
19:41:34 <MarcoFalke> I volunteer jonasschnelli
19:41:39 <jonasschnelli> no way...
19:41:45 <jonasschnelli> it needs to be some linux/server crack
19:41:59 <luke-jr> [19:22:22] <luke-jr> who runs bitcoinbuilds.org? [19:22:26] <jonasschnelli> luke-jr: me
19:42:02 <luke-jr> we'll say that counts
19:42:09 <jnewbery> MarcoFalke: I agree. The problem is that we don't have a build manager
19:42:12 <jonasschnelli> I start stuff,... but not finish them
19:42:27 <luke-jr> XD
19:42:31 <sipa> jonasschnelli: i fear this will be a problem if we'd migrate to bitcoinbuilds.org for part or all of our CI
19:42:39 <sipa> things will break, and will require maintenance
19:42:48 <wumpus> oh crap don't tell me i missed the meeting almost because of the DST change here *facepalm*
19:42:55 <jonasschnelli> sipa: we should certenly not migrate before a group of people have commited time to it
19:42:56 <luke-jr> wumpus: lol
19:42:58 <sipa> wumpus: still 17 minutes left!
19:42:58 <jnewbery> I think all these problems are solvable by someone who has the time and desire to figure out the problems. Part of that might be researching different CI options
19:43:01 <MarcoFalke> wumpus: lol
19:43:02 <jonasschnelli> wumpus: hah
19:43:17 <sipa> wumpus: DST is evil
19:43:23 <wumpus> sipa: yess
19:43:27 <luke-jr> wumpus: nobody will ever know: the bot is broken to
19:43:29 <luke-jr> too*
19:43:30 <jonasschnelli> Ideally we have a team of people willing to maintain the CI
19:43:39 <MarcoFalke> jnewbery: I did look at all available ci options a year ago
19:43:40 <jonasschnelli> If it is all on my shoulders,.. it will break for sure
19:43:47 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: like we don't have our hands full maintaining Core
19:43:52 <MarcoFalke> As I said most of them are docker-only, so they can't run our scripts
19:43:55 <dongcarl> If we have actual needs beyond what CI providers offer, then we should pay someone to maintain a CI cluster, no?
19:44:10 <jonasschnelli> luke-jr: there are enought people with server admin skills but no coding skills willing to contribute.
19:44:19 <luke-jr> dongcarl: that implies we have excess funding
19:44:28 <MarcoFalke> Only cirrus ci and travis offer full vms
19:44:29 <jonasschnelli> dongcarl: sure. Paing for it should be possible
19:44:30 <sipa> funding can be found, i'm sure
19:44:37 <jnewbery> I expect funding will not be a problem
19:44:50 <luke-jr> oh, so it's only my funding that's a problem :/
19:44:55 <luke-jr> sigh
19:45:06 <yanmaani> luke-jr: Are build servers *that* expensive?
19:45:18 <jonasschnelli> no... but the maintenance men.hours
19:45:18 <luke-jr> on that note, funding might be good for security bug bounties too
19:45:38 <luke-jr> yanmaani: no, but maintaining a CI platform probably is
19:45:49 <yanmaani> oh right, misread
19:45:56 <emzy> I think a CI team is better than a single persion.
19:46:02 <jnewbery> *or woman hours :)
19:46:03 <jonasschnelli> emzy: for sure
19:46:12 <jonasschnelli> jnewbery: oops. yes.
19:46:30 <MarcoFalke> Have people had issues with Cirrus Ci lately?
19:46:45 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke: I started ignoring it because when it does have problems I can't restart it
19:46:47 <sipa> MarcoFalke: i can't remember any... i also have no idea what actually runs on it
19:46:49 <MarcoFalke> They used to abort sometimes, but setting kvm:true fixed it I think
19:47:06 <MarcoFalke> sipa: Only the thread sanitizer and one fuzzer
19:47:35 <sipa> is there any reason why everything couldn't run on cirrus?
19:47:43 <MarcoFalke> We could also move all jobs to Cirrus Ci, which would probably mean we need to pay them
19:47:54 <MarcoFalke> free tier is only 8 cpus or so
19:48:09 <luke-jr> probably cheaper than maintaining our own
19:48:14 <luke-jr> if it works decently
19:48:14 <MarcoFalke> probably
19:48:33 <dongcarl> Do we have any needs beyond what Cirrus provides?
19:48:35 <jonasschnelli> Semaphore offered us also free service https://semaphoreci.com
19:48:56 <MarcoFalke> dongcarl: s390x and arm would be nice, but we can use qemu
19:49:36 <luke-jr> jonasschnelli: but that's just Docker?
19:49:50 <MarcoFalke> jonasschnelli: If it is just docker, it won't work
19:50:00 <jonasschnelli> luke-jr: they have x86 and macOS... all docker I guess
19:50:37 <MarcoFalke> If someone knows another non-docker ci, let me know, but I don't think there is
19:50:37 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke: hmm, does KVM work inside stock Docker?
19:50:43 <bitcoin-git> [13bitcoin] 15gwillen opened pull request #20264: test: Make secp tests optional in `make check` (06master...06feature-optional-secp-check) 02https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20264
19:51:00 <MarcoFalke> luke-jr: we don't use kvm
19:51:24 <MarcoFalke> I doubt it does
19:51:39 <MarcoFalke> qemu-user works in docker
19:51:42 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke: we could
19:52:07 <MarcoFalke> luke-jr: Patches welcome :)
19:52:17 <MarcoFalke> I don't have background in kvm, so I can't help here
19:52:22 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke: without a plan, no point
19:52:38 <luke-jr> MarcoFalke: KVM is just virtualising a machine - so you can do anything as if it was real hardware
19:52:46 <MarcoFalke> luke-jr:  git grep docker ./ci
19:52:52 <MarcoFalke> then replace docker with kvm
19:53:07 <luke-jr> sure, but unless Docker supports KVM, it won't help
19:53:20 <MarcoFalke> jup, I don't know an answer to that
19:53:31 <jonasschnelli> Other topics?
19:53:36 <jonasschnelli> (short ones)
19:54:17 <jonasschnelli> #endmeeting