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  52022-11-16T00:24:44  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 4 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/547a96362888...5602cc7ccf4a
  62022-11-16T00:24:44  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 48a6890 Larry Ruane: Add LoadExternalBlockFile() benchmark
  72022-11-16T00:24:45  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c72de99 Larry Ruane: util: add CBufferedFile::SkipTo() to move ahead in the stream
  82022-11-16T00:24:45  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master db92989 Larry Ruane: Faster -reindex by initially deserializing only headers
  92022-11-16T00:24:59  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #16981: Improve runtime performance of --reindex (master...reindex-speedup) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16981
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 122022-11-16T00:46:30  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] luke-jr opened pull request #26508: RPC/Blockchain: Minor improvements for scanblocks & scantxoutset docs/errors (master...rpc_scanblocks_scantxoutset_doc_improvements) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26508
 132022-11-16T00:53:28  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 4 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/5602cc7ccf4a...f0c646f026e6
 142022-11-16T00:53:28  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f0f6a35 furszy: RPC: listunspent, add "include immature coinbase" flag
 152022-11-16T00:53:28  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 61c2265 furszy: wallet: group AvailableCoins filtering parameters in a single struct
 162022-11-16T00:53:29  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fa84df1 furszy: scripted-diff: wallet: rename AvailableCoinsParams members to snake_case
 172022-11-16T00:53:33  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #25730: RPC: listunspent, add "include immature coinbase" flag (master...2022_RPC_listunspent_include_immature_coinbase) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/25730
 182022-11-16T00:56:00  <luke-jr> lightlike: incorrect data is worse than crashing
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 202022-11-16T01:39:46  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Kuplynx opened pull request #26509: fix the network (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26509
 212022-11-16T01:44:16  <luke-jr> ^ spammer fanquake sipa laanwj
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 332022-11-16T04:13:06  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] glozow closed pull request #26509: fix the network (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26509
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 702022-11-16T10:13:19  <fanquake> lightlike: thanks for investigating further. So it seems the changes in #26328 are probably overcomplicated, given it's basically impossible to hit the third state (and not something we should have to worry about in -netinfo)?
 712022-11-16T10:13:21  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/26328 | netinfo: fix relaytxes doc, display 3 relaytxes states by jonatack · Pull Request #26328 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
 722022-11-16T10:13:35  <fanquake> and the rpc/release notes doc, "not available while peer connection is still being set up" are also incorrect?
 732022-11-16T10:21:31  <MacroFake> PSA: DrahtBot will now collect review comments and link to all of them in a summary comment. Example: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26508#issuecomment-1316749699
 742022-11-16T10:21:43  <MacroFake> Let me know if there are any issues
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 762022-11-16T10:22:45  <MacroFake> Code was contributed by aureleoules :)
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 822022-11-16T10:41:29  <fanquake> I guess this means we should also partially revert https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/676, which contained the same "(not available while the peer connection is being set up)"
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 862022-11-16T11:07:09  <fanquake> > and need to sign off to present at a conf. Up to you all.
 872022-11-16T11:07:16  <fanquake> jonatack: When you're done presenting, please clarify exactly what is going to "break user space and production systems", and which specific change(s) need backporting.
 882022-11-16T11:07:33  <fanquake> I'm assuming it's only minfeefilter (setting aside whether this should be handled downstream), in which case, only 5c03df1fce744fbc357e32f66f9a50b8e609c386 from 26457 would be a last-minute blocker?
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 932022-11-16T11:45:51  <aureleoules> thanks MacroFake for reviewing the code!
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1222022-11-16T13:34:30  <harding> Is it expected that there are no 24.0 RC4 binaries at https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-24.0/ ?
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1292022-11-16T14:06:25  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/f0c646f026e6...6863ad79a658
1302022-11-16T14:06:26  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 2222ec7 MacroFake: util: Move error message formatting of NonFatalCheckError to cpp
1312022-11-16T14:06:26  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6863ad7 MacroFake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#25112: util: Move error message formatting of NonFat...
1322022-11-16T14:06:38  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #25112: util: Move error message formatting of NonFatalCheckError to cpp (master...2205-err-impl-🗡) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/25112
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1382022-11-16T14:09:38  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] willcl-ark opened pull request #26512: init: Evaluate sysperms before config file (master...2022_13371_sysperms) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26512
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1762022-11-16T16:56:57  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] aureleoules opened pull request #26513: Make static nLastFlush and nLastWrite Chainstate members (master...2022-11-remove-static-chainstate) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26513
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1802022-11-16T17:01:57  <jonatack> lightlike: cf yesterday's discussion on the breaking getpeerinfo API, the v24 changes also broke our own code, see #25176
1812022-11-16T17:01:59  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/25176 | Fix frequent -netinfo JSON errors from missing getpeerinfo#relaytxes by jonatack · Pull Request #25176 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1822022-11-16T17:04:18  <jonatack> lightlike: this was also trivially visible by observing the GUI peers details during new connections, or by testing #26328
1832022-11-16T17:04:20  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/26328 | netinfo: fix relaytxes doc, display 3 relaytxes states by jonatack · Pull Request #26328 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1842022-11-16T17:05:01  <jonatack> after my last talk today, i'll reverify with 24rc4
1852022-11-16T17:08:28  <jonatack> these weren't rare occurences, at least in my testing, they were frequent. note that i use a vpn, have tor/i2p/cjdns peers, and some addnode manual peers with colleagues on the other side of the world.
1862022-11-16T17:08:37  <fanquake> > please clarify exactly what is going to "break user space and production systems", and which specific change(s) need backporting.
1872022-11-16T17:09:46  <lightlike> jonatack: are you sure that the errors in #25176 happened during connection setup for a new peer - and not during disconnection of a peer? Because I can't see how this would be possible from looking at the code.
1882022-11-16T17:09:47  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/25176 | Fix frequent -netinfo JSON errors from missing getpeerinfo#relaytxes by jonatack · Pull Request #25176 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1892022-11-16T17:11:13  <jonatack> lightlike: yes, i read your comments (thanks for looking!), and will reverify, but the manual testing methods above showed it happening on connection. i will recheck to be sure.
1902022-11-16T17:15:23  <jonatack> fanquake: messages forwarded to me by the CashApp PM from two of their developers: "we have layers of bitcoin core nodes and use that endpoint [getpeerinfo] .. if we upgraded our production systems without Jon's patch, it would break our production systems and we'd get paged"
1912022-11-16T17:15:57  <jonatack> another dev: "and related, we need to update our core nodes"
1922022-11-16T17:16:31  <jonatack> first dev: "if you want to link the github issue/PR, I can comment directly and ack the proposed changes"
1932022-11-16T17:16:51  <fanquake> Ok. So what is "johns patch" in this scenerio? I'm sure it doesn't include doc changes, rpc help changes, netinfo changes, qt changes etc
1942022-11-16T17:17:01  <fanquake> What is the specific commit or change they are talking about
1952022-11-16T17:18:13  <fanquake> From the investigation here, it's not clear what is broken, or how it's broken, or, aslo, why cashapp couldn't work around this on their side, even temporarily.
1962022-11-16T17:18:55  <jonatack> i had similar feedback from a dev at Block a month or so ago regarding their deployment pipeline. the cashapp messages were a week ago
1972022-11-16T17:19:13  <dergoegge> jonatack: why can't they upgrade their handling of the getpeerinfo call to support missing fields?
1982022-11-16T17:19:13  <dergoegge> This would have all been much simpler if they (CashApp devs) would have just opened an issue explaining their exact problem tbh
1992022-11-16T17:19:19  <jonatack> fanquake: the fields that became optional
2002022-11-16T17:20:05  *** emzy <emzy!~quassel@user/emzy> has quit IRC (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
2012022-11-16T17:20:25  <jonatack> dergoegge: the Block dev contacted me after reading the discussion in my first proposal and found some of the reactions too intimidating to comment
2022022-11-16T17:20:58  <jonatack> dergoegge: sure, everyone can patch it on their own, but that doesn't seem ideal
2032022-11-16T17:22:31  <fanquake> jonatack: which fields are you talking about?
2042022-11-16T17:22:41  <fanquake> My understanding is that only minfeefilter has changed in terms of being optional
2052022-11-16T17:23:35  <fanquake> The presence of relaytxes is unchanged in 26457
2062022-11-16T17:23:43  <jonatack> fanquake: and relaytxes, which i proposed to also patch but their was resistance. If we leave the change to make it optional in v24 (after 8 years of being always present, it would introduced in 2015), it would be good to mention that change in the release notes
2072022-11-16T17:24:39  <fanquake> sorry, I'm misunderstanding, 26457 does nothing in regards to changing wether relaytxes is present on not. It's just moved to a different fStateStats conditional
2082022-11-16T17:25:36  <fanquake> and martins comment here: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26457/files#r1024158792, suggests that it's always available in any case
2092022-11-16T17:26:37  <jonatack> fanquake: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26109#discussion_r973091972
2102022-11-16T17:27:57  <jonatack> it's not always available, and that is trivially testing by reverting #25176 or the two other methods i mentioned above in this convo
2112022-11-16T17:27:59  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/25176 | Fix frequent -netinfo JSON errors from missing getpeerinfo#relaytxes by jonatack · Pull Request #25176 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2122022-11-16T17:28:05  <jonatack> *testable
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2142022-11-16T17:30:03  * jonatack back in a few hours
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2162022-11-16T17:35:37  <fanquake> so, to clarify, the current PR, which just shifts relaytxes from one fStateStats conditional, to another, doesn't actually fix the cashapp issue in any case?
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2182022-11-16T17:38:15  <fanquake> but does make minfeefilter non-optional, by giving it a value of 0 if there is no fstatestats
2192022-11-16T17:39:58  <fanquake> however the current question / understanding is that it's only possible for there to be no fstatestats if you're racing a getpeerinfo call, and a peer disconnection
2202022-11-16T17:40:11  <fanquake> and this can't happen during connection setup
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2222022-11-16T17:47:52  <jonatack> i doubt that, but if it were true then we could make relaytxes always present as before with no downside
2232022-11-16T17:48:01  <jonatack> will check in a few hours, thanks
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2362022-11-16T18:34:00  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] aureleoules opened pull request #26514: Improve address decoding errors (master...2022-11-improve-address-decode-errors) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26514
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2552022-11-16T21:28:41  <BlueMatt[m]> jonatack - you seem to indicate its not a regression anyway at https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26457/#discussion_r1014670159 ? if that's true I don't see why this is a candidate for backport this late in an rc cycle at all.
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2622022-11-16T21:45:42  <luke-jr> jonatack: during peer disconnection, we can't know what the correct value was, so how could it be present?
2632022-11-16T21:46:01  <luke-jr> returning incorrect data is IMO worse than omitting it
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2672022-11-16T22:14:07  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] mzumsande opened pull request #26515: rpc: skip getpeerinfo for a peer without CNodeStateStats, make its fields non-optional (master...202211_getpeerinfo_allornothing) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26515
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2702022-11-16T22:36:14  <lightlike> I opened 26515 as a more general proposal to deal with this long-term.
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2742022-11-16T23:09:35  <jonatack> BlueMatt[m]: the comment you linked to refers to a doc update proposed two months ago and is not the regression in question. at the time, it was within the window, as was the backports pull.
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2772022-11-16T23:10:56  <BlueMatt[m]> jonatack: so, iiuc, the issue here is that one field (minfeefilter) was always present in 23 and prior releases, and now there's some (absurdly, apparently?) rare race condition where it may not be while a peer is disconnecting?
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2792022-11-16T23:12:27  <BlueMatt[m]> is that correct?
2802022-11-16T23:12:44  <jonatack> BlueMatt[m]: two fields in getpeerinfo, relaytxes and minfeefilter. no, it's not rare. we had to patch our own code for the former in #25176
2812022-11-16T23:12:46  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/25176 | Fix frequent -netinfo JSON errors from missing getpeerinfo#relaytxes by jonatack · Pull Request #25176 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
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2832022-11-16T23:12:51  <BlueMatt[m]> (fwiw its not at all clear from the current pr, the previous pr, or any commit message - none of them describe the concrete issue here, just trying to make sure I get what's going on)
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2852022-11-16T23:13:20  <BlueMatt[m]> okay, so 26457 does not re-add relaytxes, its still missing in the same set of cases as before?
2862022-11-16T23:13:31  <BlueMatt[m]> is there some second pr to make it always present?
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2882022-11-16T23:14:29  <jonatack> BlueMatt[m]: i wanted to make it always present as before, see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26109#discussion_r973091972
2892022-11-16T23:14:55  <BlueMatt[m]> btw who is "we" here? You're saying in some deployment of yours you had an issue because of this? I assume it's because something was deserializing the response into a struct that expects the field to be present?
2902022-11-16T23:15:32  *** NorrinRadd <NorrinRadd!~me@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
2912022-11-16T23:15:58  <jonatack> and the original discussion at the start of #25923
2922022-11-16T23:16:00  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/25923 | p2p: always provide CNodeStateStats and getpeerinfo/netinfo/gui updates by jonatack · Pull Request #25923 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2932022-11-16T23:16:13  <BlueMatt[m]> jonatack: right, I'm not really trying to understand what did or didnt happen, just trying to make sure I understand where we sit today.
2942022-11-16T23:17:54  <jonatack> BlueMatt[m]: some out-of-date docs that don't cause a regression and two longstanding getpeerinfo fields (relaytxes since 2015 and mifeefilter since 2018 or 2019 iirc) that in v24 are no longer always present
2952022-11-16T23:17:58  <BlueMatt[m]> (am I still correct that rpc changes are supposed to go through the announced-in-one-release-changed/removed-in-the-next two-step process thing?)
2962022-11-16T23:20:43  <BlueMatt[m]> jonatack: right, okay, so then I'm a bit confused why a release is being held up for a non-fix? Irrespective of whether Marco was right to argue against it or not, I don't see why fixing the removal of one field, and not another, makes sense this late in rc?
2972022-11-16T23:20:44  <BlueMatt[m]> like, if removal of a field is an issue (again, not taking a stance here), then fix both, if its not, then ship?
2982022-11-16T23:21:06  <BlueMatt[m]> again irrespective of if it should have landed before now, it is where it is
2992022-11-16T23:23:32  <jonatack> BlueMatt[m]: we had to patch -netinfo that doesn't null check fields that are always present. given the number of fields returned by getpeerinfo, and given feedback from some companies in the space, this needlessly breaks their software as well while being trivial on our end to fix once, rather than each of them patching it. in any case, this has been proposed for months now. it's not
3002022-11-16T23:23:33  <jonatack> holding up the release. it could have been merged but was not. that is not in my control. however, we should also warn user space in the release notes if we leave it as is.
3012022-11-16T23:24:57  <BlueMatt[m]> (fwiw I asked the cash app folks - they have no idea what the patch does or what the specific issue is, and dont know if it would actually cause them pain, they were only told that "if you use getpeerinfo this may break your stuff" and they said "yea, we use that")
3022022-11-16T23:24:58  <BlueMatt[m]> hence why I'm here asking trying to understand exactly where things sit
3032022-11-16T23:24:59  <BlueMatt[m]> what is "-netinfo" that you had to patch? You saw the missing fields in prod?
3042022-11-16T23:25:51  <jonatack> BlueMatt[m]: see my irc comments earlier today for what was forwaded to me
3052022-11-16T23:26:04  <jonatack> i don't have direct access to them
3062022-11-16T23:26:10  <BlueMatt[m]> again, I'm not taking a position on if it should be merged or not, but trying to understand (a) if its a regression (sounds like yes), (b) how likely it is that you can even observe the fields being missing (you seem to say they can be and are in prod, others have said they basically cant be), and (c) if its an issue that merits last-minute fixes.
3072022-11-16T23:26:29  <jonatack> BlueMatt[m]: re -netinfo, see the patch PR i linked to above
3082022-11-16T23:26:31  <BlueMatt[m]> yes, I know, that was a game of telephone, that's why I went and asked ryan directly :)
3092022-11-16T23:26:48  <BlueMatt[m]> he said he's happy to get on a call, if you'd like, but he's busy dealing with mempool growth today :)
3102022-11-16T23:27:43  <jonatack> i'm free any time for a call
3112022-11-16T23:28:40  <jonatack> i've just finished a bunch of stuff and will re-verify but the issues have been trivial to reproduce in at least three ways
3122022-11-16T23:28:53  <jonatack> - observing our GUI peers details
3132022-11-16T23:28:58  <BlueMatt[m]> okay, by "frequently"  there in your comment about netinfo I'm a bit confused - fanquake seemed to indicate that in tests others had noted they weren't able to reproduce this at all unless they added some sleeps in the code, implying its an incredibly rare race?
3142022-11-16T23:29:03  <jonatack> - reverting the -netinfo patch
3152022-11-16T23:29:58  <jonatack> - and by testing #26328
3162022-11-16T23:29:59  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/26328 | netinfo: fix relaytxes doc, display 3 relaytxes states by jonatack · Pull Request #26328 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
3172022-11-16T23:30:10  <BlueMatt[m]> oh, and, finally, it seems pretty obvious that if we think this is a major breaking issue worth backporting, we should make sure both fields are always present, even in a 24-only PR.
3182022-11-16T23:30:37  *** pablomartin_ <pablomartin_!~pablomart@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
3192022-11-16T23:30:48  <jonatack> BlueMatt[m]: I prefer making both present for v24 as it's more prudent and then figuring out the best path for the next releases
3202022-11-16T23:30:49  <BlueMatt[m]> because obviously just fixing it for one field wont help.
3212022-11-16T23:31:03  <BlueMatt[m]> is there a pr for that?
3222022-11-16T23:31:04  <jonatack> agree
3232022-11-16T23:31:29  *** pablomartin <pablomartin!~pablomart@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3242022-11-16T23:31:52  <jonatack> #26109 did that before dropping the relaytxes change. i'll open one to re-propose and re-verify the recent feedback
3252022-11-16T23:31:54  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/26109 | rpc, doc: getpeerinfo updates by jonatack · Pull Request #26109 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
3262022-11-16T23:34:52  <jonatack> BlueMatt[m]: I think you are referring to https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26457#pullrequestreview-1181641835 which doesn't appear to be end-to-end user-facing testing but will re-check now to be sure
3272022-11-16T23:34:56  <BlueMatt[m]> may be worth re-testing, to make sure it still makes sense holding up a release on it.
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3292022-11-16T23:35:50  <jonatack> BlueMatt[m]: it's sure that it happens frequently though. Looking at the GUI peers details makes that clear. But going to re-check indeed.
3302022-11-16T23:36:17  <jonatack> -netinfo would break several times a minute without the patch
3312022-11-16T23:36:51  <jonatack> with a watch interval of 1 second or 2
3322022-11-16T23:36:52  <BlueMatt[m]> thanks
3332022-11-16T23:47:26  *** yanmaani3 <yanmaani3!~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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3372022-11-16T23:53:56  <lightlike> jonatack: for the gui peer details , fetching the statestats can fail for completely unrelated reasons (locking issues, see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/6863ad79a65842504ab6f5584fac3d1de7ecf87e/src/qt/rpcconsole.cpp#L1200-L1201 ) that don't apply to the RPC.