Archive for October 2006

Google Ate My Brane

After visiting Google for the Summer of Code Summit the other week, I thought I might actually try out some of the web services they’ve come up with, rather than just sticking with search and maps, and see if they did anything for me. To my surprise — as a certified hater of webapps generally […]

Blogging Like Nobody’s Watching

While I do blog under the title “indolence log” for a reason, I’ve been a bit unhappy with how little I’ve managed to blog since April — barely managing one post a month. That drop-off coincided pretty sharply with getting elected DPL, and my best guess at the reasoning is that I’ve associated blogging with […]

Todo Lists

A while ago I read Steve Yegge’s rant about Agile development, though I’ve forgotten who linked to it. The thing that struck me as interesting was the bit about “work queues”: With a priority queue, you have a dumping-ground for any and all ideas (and bugs) that people suggest as the project unfolds. No engineer […]

Vote Early, Vote Often

A couple of comments on the ongoing votes. The DFSG/firmware issue is a complicated one. For the votes that we’ve currently got open, I’m voting for futher discussion in favour of the DFSG#2 clarification — not because I disagree with requiring source code for all works in principle, but because I think we should be […]