Archive for May 2004

First Birthday!

I made my first post to this blog a year ago yesterday. I think it’s pretty appropriate to have commemorated such a momentous anniversary by not blogging at all yesterday.

Sticking it to the Bourgeois

Pick the prominant third-way thinker who said this: America rejects the ethic of sink or swim. America rejects social Darwinism, because strength is not the same as worth. Our greatest failures as a nation have come when we lost sight of our compassionate ideals — in slavery, in segregation, and in every wrong that has […]

Psychopathic Corporations

Martin points to an Economist review of a anti-corporate film that tries to make the case that corporations are “pyschopathic” by their very nature. It’s presented as “asking the question”, but I can’t see how you’d get a different film if you’d started off with the answer. I think this is a further trend of […]

See More

I’ve been using the SeeMore plugin mostly for moving my travelblog pictures to separate pages, because even on broadband they’re a nuisance to download and scroll through all the time. But now that my blog’s “syndicated” I feel kind-of obliged not to fill up the planet with long essays, which means splitting longish techy essays […]

Prices and Costs

Heh. The Gnu Hunter scoffed at my attempt to draw a distinction between the price and cost of email delivery; so I’m pleased to find I’m in good company on that issue: here’s Thomas Sowell doing a similar job on the costs of medical care. Also of interest is Brookes News, which has some interesting […]

Internet Security, Monocultures, and Economic Manifest Destiny

Lots of security experts like talking about the risks of software monocultures which basically says that if there are a whole lot of similar machines on the Internet — all running Windows XP Home, say — then it’s generally fairly easy (well, as these things go) to find a security hole that lets you gain […]

Electronic Voting

John Ray, who writes Dissecting Leftism, an interesting blog decrying various inane comments from left-wing types, recently noted: Statistical expert John Lott Jr. sets out why California’s virtual ban on electonic voting is just ignorant technophobia. Australia has paper voting only so I have no personal knowledge of alternatives but his claim that electronic voting […]

SmartyPants and Titles

Hrm, the Planet aggregators don’t seem to like smartquotes in titles. So I’ve disabled them. Lame.

Linux Australia’s FTA Submission

(For those playing along at home, this is about the proposed Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States, which includes an IP chapter that requires Australia to change its copyright and patent law to line up more with the DMCA and the US Patent Office. I’ve commented on this previously.) Anyway, today’s post […]


Since the Professor’s decided to skip his Friday afternoon catblogging, here’s some Monday evening dogblogging for you. From left to right, meet Chips (m, silky terrier), Cheeky (m, chihuahua), and Skye (f, Siberian husky). If you’re not an RSS weenie, you can probably see Skye over on the right too, giving a practical demonstration of […]

Additions to the Blogroll

I’ve been a bit lax about noting updates to my blogroll. Introducing Clinton’s blog: Whining, not dining, Brad’s blog, currently titled The Bored and The Geeky, and Pat’s blog: Got Meat?. (Hrm, I guess non-Aussies don’t have to grimace at the low hamming distance between “blogroll” and “bogroll”)