Afraid of your Neighbour’s Disapproval

Continuing on from the SCC stuff, which I should probably get in the habit of calling the mirror split, then…

At the same time as I’ve been trying to work out ways to fit the mirror split stuff into the AJ market concept, I’ve been pondering on and off what can be done to improve the security situation. My thinking’s probably still biassed by my long time wish for official security updates to testing, but I’m somewhat inclined to think that if we can figure out a way of integrating the testing security team and the official security team we might end up closer to a solution — at the very least that’d provide us with a decent number of people who can actively help out with security updates that aren’t secet and get a few more people familiar with the technical aspects of how security updates are released, who’ll then have less of a learning curve if they end up being added to the security team proper. And heck, even if that doesn’t work, it at least gives people running testing an easier url to remember for security updates.

Of course, integrating the teams isn’t that easy, or it would’ve already been done. So after thinking about it, I had a chat with Joey (aka Martin Schulze, aka the guy who’s issued 317 of the 340 security advisories in the past 12 months) about the problems:

<aj> so, the other thing i wonder is what you think of the testing-security-support split?
<Joey> need more input
<aj> as in separate host, funny domain name, not available on, extra effort to mirror, etc
<aj> i think it sucks :)
<Joey> there are a lot of sucking things…
<aj> it’s true
<aj> so, i figure the reasons for the split are (a) you don’t want to add a bunch of people to team@ and hence vendor-sec, and (b) there’s no way to make it so they can use dak-security without being full team/vendor-sec members; and maybe (c) you don’t want them officially associated with debian security coz they’re newbies
<Joey> a) and b) are true
<Joey> However, with being a push mirror, it would be possible to let it be pushed from a second source into a different directory, such as /testing-security/
<aj> hrm
<Joey> However, that would require all architectures to be supported and not just some.
<Joey> all as in “all that are in testing”
<aj> ah, that’s (c) then — they don’t do enough for the official debian stamp
<Joey> ah ok

Assuming those really are the key factors (which might or might not turn out true, but they seem likely) then that’s something that can be worked on. The first point is completely out of my domain — I’ve never been on vendor-sec, and it’s not likely something that ought to be tweaked much anyway; vendor-sec’s a very closed list by design, and for most security work it’s probably a distraction (testing security as is currently operates without concerning itself with vendor-sec, AIUI); the second points purely technical; and the third point is a combination of technical issues and an issue of training, both of which will be hopefully helped a lot by integrating testing-security and

So the easiest point of attack is obviously the second one, since it’s “just” a matter of expanding dak’s featureset.

The problem here is embargoed fixes — the security team needs to be able to prepare fixes for vulnerabilities revealed on vendor-sec, but then keep them secret from everyone not on vendor-sec until the publication date. Which is fine, except that dak takes an all or nothing approach to that sort of secrecy: secuirty uploads go into accepted, get built, and then the security team run “amber” to publish the update. But what that means is the accepted directory and its contents can only be visible to people with vendor-sec access, which means only people with vendor-sec access can do security updates.

But we do actually have a different queuing mechanism that allows us to keep some things secret, while not hiding everything: thanks to the crypto-in-main transition, the NEW queue acts like that, more or less, only allowing ftpmaster to see the contents of NEW packages until they’ve passed license inspections and the appropriate export notifications have taken place. And actually, we’d already considered extending that sort of behaviour to add an “unapproved” queue that would prevent uploads from entering proposed-updates without the stable release manager’s prior approval.

The idea then, would be to have a couple of queues for the security team: an embargoed queue, accessible only to those with vendor-sec access that would store embargoed fixed ’til they’re ready to be released, and an unembargoed queue for preparation accessible by a wider group, for preparation of fixes that don’t need to be secret. Both queues would need to be autobuilt (and the build logs for embargoed uploads would need to stay restricted, while the build logs for unembargoed uploads would not), which is an added difficulty, since only accepted can be autobuilt presently. But otherwise, it seems basically plausible, both to myself and Joey.

Conveniently, Andrew Pollock‘s been interested in throwing some money through the AJ Market to see what happens, and since the initial idea we were tossing around fell through due to his move to the US, he’s put up the dosh to make the above happen. Well, strictly the dosh to make me make the above happen, or something.

Anyway, I’m already running behind both in implementation and blogging about it, so back to the grindstone…

(Okay, perhaps it’s not quite the feature Mark Twain would most like added to dak, but it’s still nifty.)

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